This type of multisport activity is structured as camps.
There are 2 types of camps that can be organized: multisport camp and thematical camp with multisport sessions.
The camps belong to traditional types of the daily camps with the specialized emphasize on the multisport. The camp with multisport sessions can be organized as a response to the lack of physical education in the schools and focus on sport activities supporting socialisation.
This activity can bring an innovative approach to the camps:
Both types of camps aim at adopting the sport as a joyful routine in their life and free time.
Period: Summer
Hours: 40 hours
Participants: between 30 and 60
Sports that can be covered: athletics, dance, ball sports, Zumba, yoga, sport games, archery.
The methodology is based on a format of daily camps organized during working days from 7:30 till 16:30. The methodology is based on non-formal education where sport is a tool used for competence development and also as a physical activity.
The multisport approach plays an important role in the methodology as it covers different elements (information, structure, technique, competence).
In the methodology of the camps the multisport approach brings cooperation and mutual support, motivation and joy.
Some preparatory activities that can be considered:
For this activity a Sports Coach can be involved as well as a Youth Worker with expertise in physical education, non-formal education and/or sports.
Equipment and material, time schedule for preparation, implementation and evaluation.
Sport equipment for the activities.
Handouts for pupils for individual notes, pens – reflection and self-reflection (on what did they do, what they have achieved etc.)
The recruitment of the participants can be done via an application process.
A self-directed activity done by the organisation which offers enough freedom for its implementation.
The communication with the families of the participants can be done through different channels:
The stakeholders that can be involved:
Do you want to start a multisport program in your community?
Did you try any models and you have feedback or comments?
Do you want to suggest another multisport models?