MultiSport Experience
Multisport culture for youth empowerment
January 2020 /// June 2021
under construction

Multisport walks
Hodina H organized a set of “Multisport walks”. The idea of such a multisport activity came during the lockdown and restrictions of Covid-19 pandemic. Hodina H was searching for a way to motivate and support the development of sportive activity while the schools were closed or even later on, when the PE was not allowed in schools as well as the organization of other organized sport activities. The main aspects considered as a base for the “Multisport walks” were: outdoor, large space, non-contact or individual contact, innovative activities, tasks accomplishment to be awarded, youth focus or kids with parents focus to support the awareness of the project.
The main impulse given to the activity was innovation and need orientation. Each walk had a different content and tackled a different sport area and competence.
Period: May 2020 – May 2021
Hours: 40
Participants: 130
Sports: jumping rope, wu-shu, archery, basketball, floorball, ice-hockey, sport gymnastic, dance, parkour, workout, football, skateboard.
The main impulse given to the activity was innovation and need orientation. Each walk had a different content and tackled a different sport area and competence.
Period: May 2020 – May 2021
Hours: 40
Participants: 130
Sports: jumping rope, wu-shu, archery, basketball, floorball, ice-hockey, sport gymnastic, dance, parkour, workout, football, skateboard.
Methodological approach
Methodology was based on following key element: move – walk, search – find, explore, learn, practice.
5 walks were organized:
- Walk with sport tasks, connecting sport and the main key competence in this sport, final enigma;
- Walk with sport stations, different sports to be practiced or to solve some tasks;
- Pokémon’s super-power QR code - walk, finding the QR code, each QR code represents one Pokemon and its super-power linked to the sport competence together with the video of the outdoor exercise using the outdoor space in the park;
- Sport map – sport skills walk, map with stops to practice different sport skills;
- Sport synergy - representation of the sport clubs with sport tasks and introduction of the sport and opportunities.
Success or innovation factors
- Diverse approaches;
- Partnership with coaches, clubs;
- Diversity of sports;
- Experienced team;
- Motivation of the team;
- Timing/implementation of the walks in a safe manner;
- Enabling the sport within the walk;
- Sport practice combined with knowledge and skills development;
- Sport as non-formal education tool;
- Multisport culture in the daily life;
- Opportunities for follow-up – workshop, event (opportunity to explore the sport more, follow the personal interest and not necessarily as a regular sport activity or joining the specific sport club).
Constraints / Weaknesses
Information about the event – to reach all potential participants;
Space – to place the tasks, info, etc. for some time + need to check if all is available.
Replicability / Opportunity for future use
- Use of other techniques;
- Link to different topics to attract or implement different activities;
- Inclusion of the activity in the PE curricula and other events;
- Cooperation with organisations, clubs, etc.
- Brainstorming;
- Development of the idea;
- Preparation of tasks, communication with the team, partners;
- Placing the tasks;
- Activity information, dissemination on social media;
- Evaluation plan;
- Conclusions and follow-up plan.
Venue – area, division in the space, safe placing
Materials and equipment
Printing, lamination, tools to fix the labels, info
Administrative / Bureaucracy
Printing, lamination, tools to fix the labels, info
Permission to place the labels and using the space according to the local rules.
Recruiting of participants
The activity was open, with a suggested age category of participants.
Communication with participants
- Online promo - invitation, info, examples;
- After the activity - face-to-face contact;
- Conclusion and summaries online.
Communication with stakeholders and media
The stakeholders we involved are:
- PE Teachers;
- Local authorities;
- Schools - to inform the pupils;
- Sport coaches and clubs.
The stakeholders we involved are:
- Feedback online, face-to-face after the walk;
- Evaluation of the team;
- Feedback from schools;
- General evaluation of the whole project as innovative method.

The activity has been led by L’ORMA during Summer 2021 in conjunction with the Summer Camps for children and families.
It has presented as an optional «Innovative & intensive MultiSport course» that families could agree (or not) to participate.
It was based on 4 hours activity, every day (from Monday to Friday) for 2 weeks.
PERIOD: 19/7 – 30/7
SUMMER CAMPs involved: 2 (Milan & Lodi)
N° HOURS: 40 (4 hours per day)
N° SPORT OFFERED: 7 (football, beach volley, rugby, handball, rugby, basket, baseball)
It was based on 4 hours activity, every day (from Monday to Friday) for 2 weeks.
PERIOD: 19/7 – 30/7
SUMMER CAMPs involved: 2 (Milan & Lodi)
N° HOURS: 40 (4 hours per day)
N° SPORT OFFERED: 7 (football, beach volley, rugby, handball, rugby, basket, baseball)
Methodological approach 1/2
The methodology of this activity is based on a combination of Sport and Non-Formal Education.
Many element of the “traditional” Non-Formal Education are included into the “Dispositivo Pedagogico” of L’ORMA, developed since 2000, consisting of different elements:
In fact, L’ORMA Summer Camp is “A place where every child is given the opportunity to express their potential, to have experiences without fear of failure, to make new friends of different ages and live new experiences, to relate with prepared adults and ready to listen to them”. We strongly believe that if we want to guarantee children a safe future within this current great uncertainty, we must help them from an early age to cultivate their talents, to find out which social - environmental - innovation area they feel they want to make their contribution to.
- The password to enter the sport center;
- The call to re-call the attention of the kids;
- The entry song;
- The involvement and co-creation of the activities;
- The final debriefing;
- Etc.
In fact, L’ORMA Summer Camp is “A place where every child is given the opportunity to express their potential, to have experiences without fear of failure, to make new friends of different ages and live new experiences, to relate with prepared adults and ready to listen to them”. We strongly believe that if we want to guarantee children a safe future within this current great uncertainty, we must help them from an early age to cultivate their talents, to find out which social - environmental - innovation area they feel they want to make their contribution to.
Methodological approach 2/2
We need to increase from a young age the skills and abilities recognised as essential for the training of active and participating adults in society. The pillars:
- The GAME: Playing is not something that children do as children to pass the time. It is a very powerful tool that develops and trains, in a simple and natural way, the main soft skills essential to be protagonists of one's life;
- The EMOTIONAL EDUCATION: We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift. Emotional intelligence determines our potential to learn practical skills based on its five elements: self-awareness and mastery, motivation, empathy and skills in interpersonal relationships.
- The INVOLVEMENT: Sometimes things happen. The impact that these things have in our lives depends on the ability developed to be active and proactive in the face of events. Learning from an early age to be responsible for your actions gives you the opportunity to become aware adults and masters of your life and the roles you want to play.
Success or innovation factors
The success factors of this activity are the following:
- Same staff: the activity has been implemented by the same instructors delivering the other activities during the Summer Camps. This allowed to create a strong connection between the Sport instructors and the children, facilitating their learning process;
- Same sport facilities: We could use the sports facilities we were using for summer camps so we didn't have to move center by center, everything was there;
- Daily relation with parents: we could speak with them, explaining ever day what we were doing and receiving suggestions and feedback from them and from the kids.
Constraints / Weaknesses
The weak aspects of our activity are the following:
- Sport Centers: among the 6 Sport Centers hosting our Summer Camp, only 2 have sport facilities that have been considered suitable for this «Innovative & intensive MultiSport course»;
- Energy demanding: 4 hours per day of sport activities for (almost) 10 days in a row has been tiring and demanding for the participants.
Replicability / Opportunity for future use
This pilot «Innovative & intensive MultiSport course» may become and “extra” course for L’ORMA Summer Camps in the future. “Extra” means that can be one activity, not included into the family fee, that parents can choose for their children.
This Multisport Course can also be a new tool for the Sport Centers to diversify their ordinary activity during the sport season. In fact, many parents expressed their positive feedback for this activity and asked us to continue it during the “regular” year (from September to June).
This pilot «Innovative & intensive MultiSport course» can also become a promotional activity for the Sport Federation. They might be interested in providing sport instructors for free during the Summer Camps to deliver their discipline, letting the children know and appreciate sport. This can be an opportunity to promote the activity of Sport Clubs close by.
This pilot «Innovative & intensive MultiSport course» can also become a promotional activity for the Sport Federation. They might be interested in providing sport instructors for free during the Summer Camps to deliver their discipline, letting the children know and appreciate sport. This can be an opportunity to promote the activity of Sport Clubs close by.
Some preparatory activities have been implemented from April to June 2021:
- Identify the suitable location among the Sport Centers hosting the Summer Camps;
- Identify the proper Educational Sport Staff among L’ORMA Coaches;
- Organize an internal (Online) meeting with the identified Sport staff to present the activity;
- Implement a pre-starting Zoom Meeting with families
Sport Center “Tuberose” Via Giò Ponti, 1 - Milano
Sport Center “Canottieri Adda” Via Nazario Sauro, 16 - Lodi
Sport Center “Canottieri Adda” Via Nazario Sauro, 16 - Lodi
Materials and equipment
Sport equipment for the activities: different balls, baseball bat.
Materials: T-shirts for Sport Instructors.
Administrative / Bureaucracy
We received the data of the participants through an Online form on - Personal data have been processed in accordance with the Italian regulation.
We needed to collect:
- the medical certificates from all the participants;
- the authorization from the parents to take videos and photos;
- declarations from the parents due to Covid-emergency.
Recruiting of participants
The participants to the «Innovative & intensive MultiSport course» have been selected by the participants of L’ORMA Summer Camps.
The activity has been presented as an “extra” course, that parents could choose.
Communication with participants
We communicated with the families through different channels:
Online: before starting the activity;
- In person: every day, after each day of activity
- By social media: daily through L’ORMA Official Facebook Page;
- By email: at the end of each week, sending to the parents a questionnaire to fill in.
Communication with stakeholders and media
The stakeholders we involved are:
- The 2 Sport Centers hosting the activity:
- The Sport Clubs using those sport centers;
- The municipality of Milan and Lodi, that included our activity in their Summer Proposals for families;
- The regional committees of the Federation of Basket, Volleyball and Baseball.
- The regional Olympic Committee.
The evaluation has been conducted in different ways:
- Daily feedback with children at the end of the activities;
- Daily (informal) discussion with parents at the end of the day;
- Satisfaction questionnaire for children at the end of the course;
- Online questionnaire for parents at the end of the course.