Summer camp

The activity can be proposed during the summer period. It can be offered to sports clubs that organize their summer camp, as an optional choice for an «Innovative & intensive MultiSport course» and the families can decide whether or not they want their children to be involved.
It is basically a 4-hour activity, every day (from Monday to Friday) for 1 or 2 weeks.

Success or innovation factors

The success factors of this proposal are:

  • the opportunity of easily reaching large numbers of participants and thus offering the multisport experience to a greater number of children;
  • the proposal can also be provided in summer centres which do not focus on sports (for example oratories, youth aggregation centers, foreign language camps, etc.)
  • sports clubs specialized in individual sports can use this week to try their discipline and recruit new members;
  • with a continuous activity it is possible to have a daily relationship with parents, we can talk to them, explain them what we are doing and receive suggestions and feedback from them and from the children.

Methodological approach

The methodology of this activity is based on the combination of Sport and the Non-Formal Education.
The goal is to create an approach to sport that is less based on competition and more on the pleasure of playing, moving, being together. The multisport activity aims to give children the opportunity to discover their best talent in sports and develop transversal competences.
Sport therefore becomes a tool for developing the skills and abilities recognised as essential for shaping active adults of the society.
Besides that, within the «Innovative & intensive MultiSport course» we focused on the implementation of different sport disciplines (as basketball, football, beach volley, rugby, artistic gymnastics, athletics, dance) delivered by professional Sport instructors.

Potential risks

Families who choose fields that specialize in a specific sport or they may want their kids to focus on fields other than sports.
It could be difficult to find suitable structures for sports in the center where the project is decided to take place or in neighbouring areas
It could also be difficult to find sports experts/clubs of different sports available to join the project.

Replicability / Opportunity for future use

Once the team of experts has been formed, the project can be easily reproduced in various aggregative contexts.
This Multisport Course can also represent a new tool to diversify their ordinary activities during the summer season.
The «Innovative & intensive MultiSport course» can also become a promotional activity for the Sport Federation. They might be interested in providing sport instructors for free during the Summer Camps in order to help the children know more about sports. This can be an opportunity to promote the activity of Sport Clubs close by.


Some preparatory activities have been implemented in the previous months:

  • Identify the suitable location among the Sport Centers hosting the Summer Camps;
  • Identify the proper Educational Sport Staff among L’ORMA Coaches;
  • Organize an internal (Online) meeting with the identified Sport staff to present the activity;
  • Implement a pre-starting Zoom Meeting with families.

Human resources (qualification/skills)

Sports instructors and physical education teachers with experience in the field of non-formal education.


Structures that host summer camps for children and teenagers, where there are playgrounds.

Materials and equipment

Sport equipment for the activities: different balls, cones, ropes, balloons, sticks, circles, bandages, mats.
Materials: T-shirts for Sport Instructors and for the participants.

Recruiting of participants

The promotion of the extra multisport activity can be done among the participants of the summer camp.

Administrative / Bureaucracy

Registrations can be made directly by the center that organizes the summer camp and no additional documents are required in such a case.

Communication with participants

We communicated with the families through different channels:

  • Online: before starting the activity;
  • In person: every day, in the centre;
  • Through the social media of federations and sport clubs involved in the project;
  • By email: using the database of the hosting centre.

Communication with stakeholders and media

The stakeholders that can be involved are:

  • The federations and sports clubs operating in the area near the host venue;
  • the organizations hosting the project.


The evaluation has been conducted in different ways:

  • Daily feedback from children at the end of the activities;
  • Daily (informal) discussion with parents at the end of the day;
  • Satisfaction questionnaire for children at the end of the course;
  • Online questionnaire for parents at the end of the course.

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